August Professional Activities wrap-up

Forecast: 88°/76° with 59% chance of rain; Humidity : 89% Sunrise 6:09 am., Sunset 6:28 p.m. The local U.S. Embassy asks all Fulbrighters to send monthly updates of what we've done in country, I guess so they can document some of the good things the Fulbright program does. Over the course of my career, I've pulled together lots of annual reports -- and unlike many of my colleagues, I actually look forward to doing these. Since there's so much going on here, it makes a lot of sense to do these updates more frequently than I've done them in the past, and I figured I might as well include a version of these updates into the blog. But even though my first report is only for two weeks and not a whole year, I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to lay my hands on all the information for what I've done! I certainly haven't gotten into a routine yet, and I guess I've got to figure out how better to keep track of ...