Ciudad de las Artes

I got to visit a huge arts center twice in two weekends. It's an impressive-looking place near the University of Panama and the Metropolitan Park called the "Ciudad de las Artes". [ Odd language thing : singular, it's "el arte"; plural, it's "las artes". Slowly, slowly, I learn.] The stairs leading up to the many entrances of the U-shaped Ciudad de las Artes. The photo shows only part of the "U", so I could get the sign in the photo. The first week we went to this place, we went in error; my friend Jessie wanted to attend a book-launch event in a Ministry of Culture building, of which this place is one. Once we realized we'd taken the bus to the wrong Ministry of Culture building, I called an Uber to get us to the right place. However, it was a fortuitous mistake as far as I was concerned, because now I knew how to get to the Ciudad de las Artes, and that's useful information! The book launch event, with a guitar player,...