Sloths! Adorable sloths!
Last month when my offspring were visiting, we spent a bunch of time looking for sloths. Unfortunately, it's hard to find them; often when we were told there were sloths in the tree canopy above us, they looked basically like a dark ball lumped in the tree; sometimes we got lucky and they looked like a furry ball lumped in the tree. And once, three of us got super lucky and got to see a single sloth, way up high, slowly scratching itself. So imagine how delighted I was when my friend Kimberly told me that the Panama Nature Center had just opened up a sloth sanctuary on the edge of the Ciudad del Saber, and that -- better yet -- they were having an open house. Seeing sloths, and seeing my friend Kimberly: that's a winner! Many sloths moving slowly and cuddling with one another, right in front of us. Here's a 16-second video that Kimberly took of a sloth chewing. If you speak Spanish, you can hear the tour guide describing how they develop and the diff...