Halloween in Panama, Cows in Pennsylvania

Halloween is apparently going to be a lot of fun here in Panama. While I collect experiences and maybe a few photos today, here are two photos related to my porch back in Pennsylvania to tide you over in the meanwhile. Photo number one is courtesy of a former student of mine who wrote to ask for a letter of recommendation as she applies to grad school. She ended the letter with this postscript: PS. It was actually fall break when I was writing this email and I was drafting this email in Lancaster! [Another former student] and I passed your home when we were strolling around near the neighborhood and we saw the cute message "The cows are on Vacation!" "The cows are on vacation; they will return June 2025" As for Photo Number Two . . . In spite of the cow shelves and all the cows themselves being stowed away in the basement while I'm here in Panama, and even though the "Take a Cow/Leave A Cow" Little Farm Library similarly sits in storage, my home car...