Visiting the island of Coiba

One morning this past weekend I woke up and walked about 20 minutes along rural Panamanian roads to a nearby beach. The receding water leaves beautiful patterns around the stones and shells in the sand. Many of my friends back home are grading homework, preparing classes, dealing with plagiarism cases, reading and writing committee reports, and fretting about budget cuts. If I hadn't retired, I could be doing that, too. The guys who walked with me to this beach. Instead, I was doing pushups in the sand with a bunch of really good-looking guys. And sticking my bare toes in the sand, then the warm water, then the sand, then the warm water . . . When I put it that way, I think I made a good choice here. The beach trip was the brain child of Juan Carlos, the guy I call "Mr. Adventure". He organized a group of 14 people who crammed into a van in Panama City to drive to the beach-side town of Santa Catalina, about 230 miles away. The view from the Bridge of the America...