Panama fence toppers (yowch)

Forecast: 88°/74°, lots of sun and then partly cloudy
Humidity:  70%
Sunrise 6:38 am., Sunset 6:18 p.m.

The picture below was the fence that made me realize I ought to have a post just about posts . . . fence posts, to be more specific.  Fences here are definitely not a "safety first" feature of life!

A pointy addition to the top of a standard chain-link fence.

Not "pretend" pointy, but "for real" pointy. 

Fleur de lis are common; sometimes they're painted
different colors than the rest of the fence, sometimes not.

Another pointy addition, this time atop a concrete wall.
Notice that there are three kinds of points:
star-shaped ones and short triangles forward,
and tall triangles pointing backward.  Ouch ouch ouch.

No points on top.  This place is for sale!
(That's what "se vende" means)

This fancy place has razor-wire coils on top of their fence.

A close-up: it's not barbed wire, it's really razors.  Yeesh!

Not every fence is dangerous on top; a few are just pretty.

A different style of pointy fence.

This tall stone fence is pretty, and quite atypical.

Here's razor-wire atop a chain-link fence.

The Russian embassy has coils of razor wire, obviously.

Except when it doesn't.  This section of the embassy fence
just has outward-facing points.

A different kind of diamond-like points; 
maybe these are like spear heads?

And another kind of diamond points. 
These remind me of soldiers standing in a line,
with arms out at their sides.

A different kind of fleur-de-lis,
a bit boxier than the usual kind.

These have little balls on the top, to keep them from 
being too scary.  

These just pinch the tops of the square bars
to make points at the top.

No pointy-ness at all.  
This is a pretty gate, I think.

This is another pretty gate with iguanas on top.

Here's a close-up of the iguanas. 
They are pointy on top, so maybe they're Guard Iguanas?

A live iguana, for comparison, seen through the screen
of the porch where I eat lunch.  See? The iguana really does have a
spiky fringe, just like the fences.

This is another gate I love -- it has machine parts
welded to a  chain-link fence, and painted bronze/gold.  

And that's a quick tour of the tops of fences in my neighborhood, all of them found on the mile-and-a-half-long walk my husband and I take each evening here.



I just did a half-kilometer circle of a walk in the other direction, and found even more amazing fence posts to add to this collection.
Spiky and colorful!

They look like they're doing jumping jacks: 
Up, down, down, up, down . . . 

Fleurs with little balls on top and extra pitchforks out front.
There are even pitchfork-y tines on the pillar.

These have hols in the middle.  
Donut fleurs?

No spikes, but nicely decorative iron work.

These aren't square posts: they're slats with
trapezoidal points on top.

A topper I hadn't seen elsewhere,
and another house for sale.

The same topper as in the gate above,
but with other iron curly-cues added for extra decoration.


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